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Contact us at: +1 (713) 545-2222

Every Hero Needs a Mentor...

Mentoring is not just a great idea, it is a proven concept!

Having Frank as a mentor can provide you with many advantages: A brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction...

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standingupon the shoulders of giants.” -Sir Isaac Newton

The words of Sir Isaac Newton on the value of mentors are undeniable because mentors provide vital tools and intangible resources not readily available or accessible due to their experience, access, and vantage point.
It doesn't matter which path you are on now; you will discover that you can not do, go, or 'be' all you can be by yourself...
Almost all successful people pay homage to their families, their friends – but also to their mentors. So in the interest of showing that success doesn’t come easy, nor does it come from the individual alone – here are some famous mentors, some famous mentees, and their famous mentorships.
-Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg-Barbara Walters mentored Oprah Winfrey-Warren Buffet mentored Bill Gates-Sir Freddie Laker mentored Richard Branson-Jerry Lewis mentored Stephen Spielberg, who mentored J.J. Abrams
Frank offers two types of mentoring relationships:
Formal – meet regularly Informal – meet on an as-needed basis
Your mentoring objectives determine the type of relationship that will best suit your needs.
Once you have established the type of mentoring relationship, it's time to add structure:

Frank Mulcahy at Rice University

Meeting Formats:-Phone-Email-Video Conferencing-Live Text Chat-Face-to-Face-Combination
-Frequency of Meetings:-Weekly-Biweekly-Monthly-As Needed

Availability:Days of the weekTime of day
Length of Meeting:-15 minutes-30 minutes-45 minutes-60 minutes
Length of relationship:You can commit in advance to a time frame that can vary from one month to one year.A plan will be created in the event that you or Frank would like to end the relationship earlier than anticipated.

Here are 7 reasons why you need a mentor:
1. Mentors will coach and prepare you for change2. Mentors will amplify your vision3. Mentors push you to go farther4. Mentors will protect you from making mistakes5. Mentors strengthen you by empowering you6. Mentors let you use their shoulders as your platform7. Mentors will support you until you get your result

Want to find out more about working with Frank?

Let's talk!

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Who has mentored Frank?

Frank Mulcahy with Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield

Frank Mulcahy with Larry Thompson

Larry Thompson

Frank Mulcahy with Jeff Olson

Jeff Olson

Frank Mulcahy with Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn

Frank Mulcahy with Nick Serba

Nick Serba

Frank Mulcahy with Ernesto Verdugo

Ernesto Verdugo

Frank Mulcahy with Dr. Gary Namie

Dr. Gary Namie

Frank Mulcahy with Kyle Wilson Mastermind

Kyle Wilson Mastermind

Did You Know:

Employees who received mentoring were promoted FIVE times more often than people who didn't have mentors. 75% of executives point to mentoring as a critical career role. 95% of mentoring participants said the experience motivated them to do their best. 96% of executives say mentoring is an important development tool. 44% of CEOs list mentoring as one of the three most effective strategies to enhance women's advancement to senior management.

Where there is no guidance, all people fall, but in an abundance of counselors (mentors), there is safety.Proverbs 11:44