The words of Sir Isaac Newton on the value of mentors are undeniable because mentors provide vital tools and intangible resources not readily available or accessible due to their experience, access, and vantage point.
It doesn't matter which path you are on now; you will discover that you can not do, go, or 'be' all you can be by yourself...
Almost all successful people pay homage to their families, their friends – but also to their mentors. So in the interest of showing that success doesn’t come easy, nor does it come from the individual alone – here are some famous mentors, some famous mentees, and their famous mentorships.
-Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg-Barbara Walters mentored Oprah Winfrey-Warren Buffet mentored Bill Gates-Sir Freddie Laker mentored Richard Branson-Jerry Lewis mentored Stephen Spielberg, who mentored J.J. Abrams
Frank offers two types of mentoring relationships:
Formal – meet regularly Informal – meet on an as-needed basis
Your mentoring objectives determine the type of relationship that will best suit your needs.
Once you have established the type of mentoring relationship, it's time to add structure: