Contact us at: +1 (713) 545-2222

Contact us at: +1 (713) 545-2222

When you have an event and you’re
looking for a powerful speaker…

Are you looking for a speaker that will leave an unforgettable mark on your participants? Look no further than Frank! For 42 years, he has captivated audiences with his talks, enabling companies to cut operating costs, reduce risk, increase profits, and improve efficiency.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make a lasting impression on your attendees!

Why Should You Consider Frank As A Speaker For Your Next Event?

When your event is critically important, you need the certainty an award-winning speaker will create dynamic interaction, provide relevant content and help you generate buzz at your event.

Please Your Audience

Frank’s content is always fresh and relevant, and his message is impactful!

Guaranteed Results

Frank is an award-winning speaker. That’s why he is a sure bet when selecting him as a speaker for your next online event.

Grateful & Easy to Work With

Frank is grateful and easy to work with. He understands how to support event planners to create a fantastic participant experience.

Frank's Speaking Career In A Nutshell


Years Experience

1.1 Million





Days of Training








Frank Mulcahy

Common Audience Reaction To Frank's Presentations:

Frank Mulcahy in Dubai

"Super Powers" (Expertise)

Proven Ideas (Not just theory) A keynote speaker that provides ACTIONABLE takeaways every time!

Meet Frank, a keynote speaker with a superpower: the ability to open minds, stretch imaginations, and provide growth opportunities that would otherwise be unthinkable without his influence. Unlike speakers who inspire but fail to deliver actionable steps, Frank empowers his audience to embrace meaningful change.
With over 42 years of experience, Frank has built massive organizations and a publicly-traded company, giving him a deep understanding of human behavior and its impact on organizations, both positively and negatively. His down-to-earth style encourages people to take meaningful action, leading to long-lasting results.
When Frank takes the stage, he doesn't just share ideas; he transforms minds. He challenges conventional thinking and inspires his audience to think differently. With his guidance, individuals and organizations can achieve their fullest potential by embracing change from within.
If you're looking for a dynamic and compelling keynote speaker who delivers results, look no further than Frank. His expertise, charisma, and ability to drive change will motivate your audience to take action. Most keynote speakers are inspiring, but they lack takeaways and next steps.

Create an Unforgettable Event with the Hottest Topic Today:

'Future-Proof Your Career and AchieveUnbelievable Results Using Chat GPT'

Offer Signed Copies of AI Whisperer's Code to Your Entire Audience!


Since publishing the AI Whisperer’s Method, Frank & Ernesto have been recognized as leading voices in AI communication.
They have been asked to contribute on AI to major media outlets and networks and are regular speakers at universities, Government, Insurance, Medical, SHRM, Associations, and Chamber of Commerce events.
This groundbreaking book, The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Eloquent Communication with Artificial Intelligence, combines advanced accelerated learning techniques with AI technology.
This is the hottest topic in town, and Frank can bring it to life magically during your event. Your audience will walk away with a deep understanding of AI communication and a copy of the most compelling guide ever written.

Watch the AI Whispering Book Trailer and Discover HowYour Organization Can Benefit From the Magic of Chat GPT!


With over four decades of experience studying human and technology trends, Frank is always ahead of the curve, especially regarding technology trends.
Frank has developed a range of talks that immensely benefit staff, customers, vendors, and corporations. His speaking style is engaging, energizing, and highly relevant to attendees, enabling them to act right after the event.
Frank's keynotes on change management and disruptiveinnovation are simply invaluable. He helps audiences navigate the rapidly changing business landscape, empowering them to lead with confidence and resilience.
Frank is the go-to speaker if you're looking for a speaker that has transformative experience and will deliver long-term value.
Which presentation will resonate more with your audience?

  • Frank Mulcahy Identity Theft

    HOW TO SPEAK TO AI ROBOTS: To Achieve Unbelievable Results

    45 - 90 minutes
    Key Note

    In a world where everyone is talking about Chat GPT and generative AI, it’s more important than ever to learn how to communicate effectively with AI chatbots and turn them into powerful assistants. With a master “AI Whisperer” like Frank leading the way, you can be sure that your event will be a hit, and your audience will be grateful for the invaluable insights they gain.
    This must-have presentation is perfect for kicking off your event. Everyone wants to leverage the power of AI to achieve unbelievable results, and during “How to Speak to AI Robots: To Achieve Unbelievable Results,” Frank will share incredible tools, prompts, commands, and techniques to make any AI chatbot a 10x productivity booster.

  • Frank Mulcahy Identity Theft

    Identity Theft can cost millions with just one breach!

    45 - 60 - 90 minutes
    Key Note

    Identity theft has been the number one reported white-collar crime for two decades, and the threat is only growing. With the dangerous combination of AI and identity theft, companies must proactively protect themselves, their customers, and their staff from potential breaches.
    As employees are often the first and last line of defense, it's essential to equip them with the knowledge and tools to recognize and prevent attacks. A staggering 85% of data breaches are caused by human error, emphasizing the importance of identity theft awareness training. By implementing regular training and updates, companies can significantly reduce the probability of a breach and minimize the potentially devastating financial and reputational costs. The average breach can cost a small company $3,600,000, making safe information handling practices a critical priority.
    To stay ahead of the curve, you need Frank - a dynamic and engaging keynote speaker who stays current on the latest trends and best practices in cyber awareness. With his expertise, your team will leave with actionable steps they can take to safeguard your business against identity theft, including the new threat posed by AI.
    Don't wait until it's too late to develop a safety culture to protect your company. Give your employees the tools to keep your business safe from the dangerous combination of AI and identity theft. With Frank's insights and expertise, you'll be better equipped to safeguard your company against cyber threats, now and in the future.

  • Frank Mulcahy Workplace bullying

    Workplace Bullying Is Preventable With The Right Tools!

    90 minutes

     Workplace bullying is a pervasive and damaging problem that can wreak havoc on morale and productivity and even lead to legal action. Employers must take a stand and learn how to recognize and address this harmful behavior using evidence-based data and statistics from the originators of U.S. workplace bullying solutions.
    Did you know that 25% of American workers directly experience bullying, and a staggering 65.6 million workers and witnesses are affected? The costs to employers can be staggering, with turnover, absenteeism, presenteeism, and payouts for severances and settlements. The good news is that workplace bullying can be deterred, detected, and defended against with proper training.
    From the storeroom to the boardroom, it's essential to provide comprehensive training to prevent bullying. Bullying can remain hidden in shame and secrecy, leading employers to ignore the problem and delay corrective measures.By attending Frank's workshop, you'll be equipped with the tools to recognize and address bullying in your workplace. Statistics indicate that up to 35% of employees are or have been victims of bullying, resulting in high employee turnover and increased health-related costs. Don't wait until it's too late to act. Let Frank "connect the dots" and help you build a culture of civility in your workplace.
    This workshop is a must-attend for anyone concerned about creating a safe and respectful workplace. With Frank's insights and expertise, you'll be better equipped to prevent bullying and protect your employees' well-being.

  • Frank Mulcahy Key Person of influence

    Key Person of Influence: Your Personel Brand is more important than ever before?


    Becoming a Key Person of Influence (KPI) in your field, niche, or profession can transform your career and business. Frank's five-step process highlights proven strategies for becoming one of your industry's most highly valued and paid people. In today's changing work environment, positioning a personal brand is more critical than ever.The five steps to becoming a KPI are:1. Develop your story: Learn how to craft a compelling narrative that captures your audience's attention and builds trust.2. Publish regularly: Create valuable content showcasing and building your expertise in your field.3. Develop a product eco-system: Build a suite of products and services that create multiple revenue streams and support your brand.4. Develop a strong profile: Learn how to build a strong online and offline presence that enhances your brand and attracts new opportunities.5. Harness the magic of partnerships: Learn how to collaborate with others in your industry to create powerful synergies and grow your business.By embracing these five steps, you'll elevate your business to new heights and unlock unparalleled success. Join Frank as he shares insights and strategies for taking your career to the next level as a Key Person of Influence.

Looking for an effective virtual speaker for your online event?

Whenever selecting a speaker for an online event,you must remember that most 'top' ONSTAGE speakers are NOT as good in virtual environments as they might be at a live event!
Presenting at a LIVE event and presenting at VIRTUAL events require different skills...
Virtual events are a one-to-one medium, just like radio and TV. They are not atmosphere-driven events like conferences, gala evenings, or boardroom meetings.

Frank Mulcahy

Frank has 42 years of ONSTAGE experience and 25 years of experience in digital broadcasting. He's been the host of 2 successful WebTV shows, has a popular podcast, and has performed in over 1300 virtual events.
Frank can deliver a message and foster interaction with a virtual audience while broadcasting from a studio or remote location WITHOUT a real audience.
His unique distant teaching methodology will instantly grab the attention of any virtual audience and will create a memorable learning experience for online participants of all ages.

Frank Mulcahy

See Frank In Action

Sample of Organizations That Have Used Frank's Training & Insights To Reduce Risk, Increase Profits, & Increase Productivity.

Frank Mulcahy logos

Many of Frank's Clients Bring Him Back Regularly To Their Organizations!

Ernesto Verdugo

I am thrilled to recommend Frank Mulcahy. He is truly one-of-a-kind, with a wealth of knowledge, experience, and a kind heart. 
As an event planner, it's rare to find humble speakers, easy to work with, and flexible speakers. Frank is all of those things and more. Not only is he an excellent speaker, but he also goes above and beyond to make every person in the audience feel special after his talk. 
He takes the time to speak with everyone and make a personal connection. Frank is an expert on identity theft and can captivate a room of law enforcement officers, firefighters, and IT professionals with his engaging presentation. He's also the best in the business when it comes to addressing the issue of workplace bullying. 
If you're an event planner, HR manager, or CEO, you must bring Frank to your organization. Trust me, after just one coffee with him; you'll want to book him on the spot! He's that good.

Ernesto Verdugo

CEO and Co-Founder Speak Internationally


Frank is top-notch! 
In Military language, we say He’s the “Tip of the Spear” in professionalism and creates changes in behavior. 
Whenever I hear Frank address Cyber Awareness, he has timely, relevant information that turns into action steps. 
Frank’s expertise in workforce efficiency, protecting assets, and producing strategies for zero out-of-pocket expenses to improve your bottom line is priceless. 
I’ve traveled worldwide multiple times during war and peacetime, and Frank is a rare breed to find as a keynote speaker and friend. 
Frank has my HIGHEST recommendation as he is an incredible speaker who can communicate and encourage positive changes in behavior to the positive. I look forward to returning him to our San Antonio events every year. 
USN Senior Chief approves! 

Chris Finkenstadt 

DoD Contracting & AcquisitionsUS Navy Senior Chief

Pete Basica

 The first time we hired Frank to speak at our events, his evaluation ratings went off the charts. Frank is a knowledge expert who consistently delivers high-impact ideas combined with real-world action steps that the participants can use to create profit.  
His speaking style has the audience engaged and connected. He will always be relevant and on point creating changes in behavior and improvement in performance. 
When he talks about the devastating effects impact of Identity theft, he gives the audience real-world action steps they can implement immediately. His Workplace Bullying workshops are the best in the industry. His knowledge, passion, sensitivity, and experience allow him to deliver so that the audience can return to their companies and implement tangible measures to Deter, Detect, & Defend against devastating Workplace Bullying behaviors to create a culture of civility and respect. Because of his knowledge & sincerity on this subject, we will bring him back every year.

Pete Basica 

SVP Star Points BenefitsNew York


10 Reasons To Hire Frank

Frank Mulcahy at mission briefing center
Frank Mulcahy at the stage
Frank Mulcahy Teaching
  • I AM EASY TO WORK WITH. My job is to support you and help make your event a success. 

  • I will always finish on time. I am very respectful and considerate with time.

  • I will command and hold the attention of your audience. My presentations are thought-provoking, engaging, and relevant & they create changes in behavior to positive.

  • I don't need to be pampered or given special treatment. I will do everything possible to make your life easy

  • I will customize my content for your audience and be prepared for any eventuality. Your audience will not be disappointed. 

  • I will over-deliver every single time. My number one goal is to be invited back again and again. (I have had dozens of repeat customers over the last 38 years)

  • I understand there are many ways to be compensated. I can always be creative and find ways to work together. My #1 goal is to impact as many lives as possible. Money should never be a barrier to improving people's lives; call me.

  • I have 42 years in the Speaking Profession, You & I talk the same language. Think of me as part of the "event team." Always ready to serve!

  • My goal is to help make your event a huge success. If I help make your event a success, you will be happy to invite me back. 

  • You can relax and feel confident your audience will thank you for having me as a speaker at your event.

Global Experience:In the past 42 years, Frank has logged and delivered over 25,725 hours of training for people from over 119 nationalities in 48 countries!


Highlights Gallery

Frank Mulcahy at the Mission Briefing Center

Frank Mulcahy at the Mission Briefing Center 

Frank Mulcahy at the George Bush Library

Frank Mulcahy at the George Bush Library

Frank Mulcahy Keynote at Rice University

Frank Mulcahy Keynote at Rice University

Frank Mulcahy at the World HRD Congress

Frank Mulcahy at the World HRD Congress

Frank Mulcahy Keynote at Houston First

Frank Mulcahy Keynote at Houston First

Frank Mulcahy at World Women Leaderhsip Congress

Frank Mulcahy at the World Women Congress

Frank Mulcahy International Speaker

Frank Mulcahy International Speaker


Frank Mulcahy in Manama, Bahrain


Frank Mulcahy as a Consultant

Bring Frank's experience, innovation, insights and passion to your next virtual or LIVE event.